Monday, June 22, 2015

Scholarship for Girls, Mural Tourney, Seed Extension, and Ramadan!!

Hello all!

I hope all is well in the world of good beer, amazing food, doing outdoorsy stuff for fun, rain, grass, and trees!! My life in Senegal has been going splendidly! A couple of the highlights of the last 2 months!

·      Michele Sylvester Scholarship
o   This is an amazing scholarship program for local middle school girls that display financial need and academic merit. I met with the local middle school teachers to select a total of 9 girls (3 from each grade) who want to continue their education, but money is an issue. I got to go to all of these sweet girls houses, meet their families, and interview them about why they like school, what they want to be when they grow up, what their favorite classes are, etc. Three of these girls will be invited to the Matam Girls camp in the fall! I have loved every day spent with these girls and their families. Talking about their hopes and dream and the importance of education!
·      Mural Tourney for the New Health/CED stage
o   5 villages in 5 days! We painted maps of Senegal, Africa, and a mural about mosquito bet net maintenance and repair. It was amazing seeing so many different sites and meeting so many Senegalese people. Senegalese people pride themselves in their hospitality and that really shined through during this tourney. I ate some of the best food, had some of the best conversations I’ve had in Senegal on this exhausting journey. 
·      Seed Extension
o   This is a major project of my primary sector work. I have been meeting with farmers, visiting their fields and giving them 1 kilo of improved seed varieties. Once the rains come, they will farm the improved varieties and I will return every other week to collect data on the growth of these seed varieties, as well as the techniques of the farmers (for example how and when they weed and thin, additions of amendments, how and when they harvest, ect.). During my visits I will discuss improved techniques, pest management techniques, and teach them how to store seeds for next year. It’s been keeping me busy. But it has been great spending time with these hilarious old Pulaar men.
·      Ramadan
o   For those who don’t know about Ramadan. It’s a Muslim holiday in which every healthy Muslim adult around the world is fasting. Look it up! I have participated in the fasting every day in village. From 5am to 7pm we don’t eat or drink anything. It is one of the hardest things I have ever done. By 11am my mouth is dry and my whole body aches for water. Every day is 100°F, it is so dry in the desert and people never complain about the lack of water. These are some of the toughest people I’ve ever met. Breaking the fast is a beautiful time. We break it with dates, bread, and delicious ice-cold water! Then we rest. I go to sleep and am woken up 2 more times in the night to eat meals before the sun comes up. Once the rains come, everyone will be working in the fields, while also fasting. I am not looking forward to that time, but I know that these tough Pulaars will get do it without a complaint.

Anyways, got to get back to sight. It’s a busy time. But I hope all is well with my loved ones back in America! I love your letters and packages! They bring me so much joy!!

Heather McG

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